"Pilgrim" is a retrospective exhibition of works from the period 2015-2022. During this period, Henrik Constantin has, among other things walked on the Camino, lived in Galicia, visited Genoa and studied art, traveled from Denmark to Spain on an old bicycle and been isolated on Madeira in connection with lockdown.

Over a period of three years, Henrik Contantin also painted a masterpiece in the form of a mural at an international bar in the Galician city of Finisterra ("the end of the world"). The painting represents thousands of hours of work and combines elements from all the world's religions. The work will be experienced in reproduced form at the exhibition.

The exhibition can be seen on Danasvej 34A, on the second floor of the recently restored back house. The building is privately owned, and has already formed the setting for a number of cultural events, both in the field of visual arts and music.

The exhibition will be open to interested parties in April 2022. Opening hours will appear here. Also feel free to contact Nicolai Porsbo on 60 78 19 00 or email nicolai@porsbo.com if you are interested in a private tour.